Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Today was tough!

Each day since surgery I have felt stronger, needed less pain meds, taken fewer naps and been steadier on my crutches. I knew my foot was healing. It was hurting less and I could move around without sudden jolts of pain. Yesterday, I even made it to the computer desk for two short visits. The couch and the pillows holding my foot above my heart were my best friends.

Then today I had an early morning doctor’s appointment. That meant I must negotiate two small sets of stairs to get out of the house. Then transverse from parking lot to elevator, elevator to doctor’s office, waiting room to patient room – and all of these in reverse order to get back to my beloved couch.

The exam and words from the doctor were all good. According to Bob and the doctor the wound looked as expected. I thought it looked gnarly. It is healing as it should. Since the doctor did some extra work on some scar tissue and a thickened, tough plantar fascial band during surgery, I will need to be off my foot completely for three full weeks – GULP!

I came home exhausted and in pain. I finally took stronger pain meds and got that under control.

Tomorrow will be a better day!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Me again, Kim. I just caught up reading the past posts on your blog. It's so fun to be in touch with you! I had an ulnar nerve surgery two years ago, so I can relate to your disabled status right now. How's it coming along? Are you living up to your "young and strong" status?