“Dreaming about springtime and feeding trout,” Bob answered when I asked what he was thinking about this morning. It is a beautiful sunny day in Hood River, but 23 degrees out. The geese are flying over our house honking. Bob and I are inside. He is tying up flies for his spring fishing trips.
The black wooley bugger is my favorite. I caught my own backside one lovely day while fishing in Colorado. I am sure the hook was bigger than these tied today. Bob says I put up quite a fight. I just remember yelling really loud and laughing so hard I thought I was going to wet my pants. I am still a novice and a fair weather fly fisherwoman. Bob just corrected me and said I am an intermediate, but I think he is just encouraging me so that I will fish more often with him.
That must be a real sense of accomplishment to fish with a fly that you tied yourself. Or does it make you regret losing the fly to the fish that much more?
You're making me want to get out there...
I only fish with flies that Bob ties. I have no compulsion to tie my own. Although I do feel bad when I lose flies, when you catch the fish you can reuse the fly!
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