Saturday, December 29, 2007
Heirloom Locket
We have a locket in our family that is passed down to the oldest daughter. My great grandmother received it on her sixteenth birthday. She passed it to her daughter when she, my grandmother, turned sixteen and since my grandmother did not have any daughters, she gave it to me when I turned sixteen.
Since I do not have any daughters, I had the privilege of passing it to my oldest niece, Jenna. She turned sixteen this year!

That is my Great Grandmother Michael's picture on the far left and Grandma Ann on the right. They are both sixteen in those pictures.
There's space on the back of the locket for Jenna to have her initials and the year of her sixteenth birthday engraved. Someday when she is a mom, she can pass it to her oldest daughter.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Our Advent Wreath
Although I had been a part of lighting Advent wreath candles at church, this was the first year we had our own advent wreath at home. Each candle has a special meaning and we lit one a week leading up to Christmas. The part I like best is that this good news of Christ's birth is for ALL people!! God loves all of his creation!
Hope: We have hope in Jesus our Messiah (Isaiah 60:2-3)
Peace: Prince of Peace born in Bethlehem (Romans 15:13)
Joy: Celebrate the good new of great joy that is for all people (Isaiah 35:10)
Love: Joining with the angels we say “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will toward men." (Isaiah 9:6-7)
Christ: Love entered our world through the birth of Jesus Christ. (Luke 1:68-79 and Luke 2:1-20)
We made these with many of the children at church and we brought one home too. Bob cut all the greenery for about a 100 of these and I cut the ribbon and twisted together the berries. Holly and Karola did the bulk of the buying and the actual assembly with the children.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Adding Insult to Injury
Adding insult to injury or perhaps I should say adding infection to surgery. Almost unbelievable that I could get such a tough infection in my “good” foot during this recovery time, but I did. I fought the ingrown toenail infection for four days and just could not get it under control. So, at yesterday doctor’s appointment for the recent surgery, he checked out my other foot and removed the two sides of my big toenail and added a drop of acid on each side to the growth plate. Thankfully, once the infection clears, it will be a quick recovery. It already feels so much better. Walking is hilarious at this time. I must wear a high heel to match the boot height, but can’t have a closed toe, so yeah for high flip flops. And I had always thought this pair of flip flops had been an impulse buy and a waste of money! Now I really appreciate them.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Choose Me!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Grandpa and Grandson
Thursday, December 13, 2007
diet pepsi be gone

Six months ago today, I stopped drinking diet pepsi. Those who know me well, know that I used to drink a diet pepsi every day and sometimes it was a couple of cans by the end of the day. It did cost a bit and I am sure that added up, but that is not why I removed it from my diet. The artificial sweetener in it, probably wasn’t good for me, but that was why either. Last June, I did a 10 day cleanse and during those 10 days decided to make a couple of dietary changes. One was to remove a scrumptious, creamy, non-dairy, creamer from my coffee—it contains partially hydrogenated oils and the other was to delete the diet pepsi. I just was drinking it too much. It seemed to have a hold on me and water is so much better for me. It has been six months and I still have two cases of diet pepsi in the pantry. I guess I am safe now. I have broken the habit. I don’t even think about reaching for one any more.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Have Boot, Losing Crutches!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
First Outing

For my first trip out of the house on crutches, I braved the snow and slick sidewalks to go to a fabulous "tea" complete with a tablescape, and wonderful friends. There were gingerbread houses and cream puffs made in the shape of swans with chocolate dipped noses that swam in blue rivers of chocolate. The friends were fun and the day quite delightful.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Correct Foot
This little arrow, drawn by a nurse, made sure the doctor operated on the correct foot. That arrow, as well as at least three papers that said the same thing, and several checks by the doctor, assistants, and nurses, all ensured the left foot received surgery. I am really glad that the news last night of a hospital in another state making THREE "wrong side" mistakes during this past year was aired AFTER my surgery. I did not know to worry! My latest wrap was this lovely shade of green.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanks be to God
1. For his indescribable gift – Jesus Christ
2. For my strong & caring husband
3. For Shane, our adorable grandson
4. For Ben and Libby, Shane’s Godly parents
5. For Nate and Kevin, our second son and his girlfriend
6. For extended family, we love so much
7. For friends, who are like family
8. For allowing us to minister to youth, singles and adults in our community
9. For quiet times of reflection
10. For answered prayer
Thanks be to God
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
2. For my strong & caring husband
3. For Shane, our adorable grandson
4. For Ben and Libby, Shane’s Godly parents
5. For Nate and Kevin, our second son and his girlfriend
6. For extended family, we love so much
7. For friends, who are like family
8. For allowing us to minister to youth, singles and adults in our community
9. For quiet times of reflection
10. For answered prayer
Thanks be to God
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Today was tough!
Each day since surgery I have felt stronger, needed less pain meds, taken fewer naps and been steadier on my crutches. I knew my foot was healing. It was hurting less and I could move around without sudden jolts of pain. Yesterday, I even made it to the computer desk for two short visits. The couch and the pillows holding my foot above my heart were my best friends.
Then today I had an early morning doctor’s appointment. That meant I must negotiate two small sets of stairs to get out of the house. Then transverse from parking lot to elevator, elevator to doctor’s office, waiting room to patient room – and all of these in reverse order to get back to my beloved couch.
The exam and words from the doctor were all good. According to Bob and the doctor the wound looked as expected. I thought it looked gnarly. It is healing as it should. Since the doctor did some extra work on some scar tissue and a thickened, tough plantar fascial band during surgery, I will need to be off my foot completely for three full weeks – GULP!
I came home exhausted and in pain. I finally took stronger pain meds and got that under control.
Tomorrow will be a better day!
Each day since surgery I have felt stronger, needed less pain meds, taken fewer naps and been steadier on my crutches. I knew my foot was healing. It was hurting less and I could move around without sudden jolts of pain. Yesterday, I even made it to the computer desk for two short visits. The couch and the pillows holding my foot above my heart were my best friends.
Then today I had an early morning doctor’s appointment. That meant I must negotiate two small sets of stairs to get out of the house. Then transverse from parking lot to elevator, elevator to doctor’s office, waiting room to patient room – and all of these in reverse order to get back to my beloved couch.
The exam and words from the doctor were all good. According to Bob and the doctor the wound looked as expected. I thought it looked gnarly. It is healing as it should. Since the doctor did some extra work on some scar tissue and a thickened, tough plantar fascial band during surgery, I will need to be off my foot completely for three full weeks – GULP!
I came home exhausted and in pain. I finally took stronger pain meds and got that under control.
Tomorrow will be a better day!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Young and Strong
When the anesthesiologist described me as “young and strong,” I threw my arms in the air, cheered, chuckled and said to Bob, “Did you hear that? I am young and strong.” I have felt anything but young and strong for over a year.
There have been days I have circled the grocery store lot, waiting for a close parking space to open up. Then I have sat in the car willing myself to get out and walk the aisles. Will I be able to shop the whole list or just half the store? Will a bagger be available to take my groceries to the car for me? --Not to unload them, but to take the extra steps to return the cart. Have I timed it right? Will Bob be home to carry the groceries up the stairs? Do I have enough pain margin left to stand up and cook dinner after shopping? Hmm . . . young and strong?
During the last year I feel I have missed out on hiking, walks, snowshoeing, exercising and anything that involves walking.
Friday I had surgery to release an entrapped nerve near my ankle. Baxter’s Nerve Entrapment is somewhat rare and difficult to diagnose, but the surgery to release the nerve is relatively simple. It is an out patient procedure done at our local hospital by my podiatrist.
Along with the assessment of young and strong, my anesthesiologist wrote “Fast Track” on my chart. So I skipped the recovery room and as soon as I was awake in my room they brought me food to eat. In a quick 3 and ½ hours I was in and out of not just surgery, but out of the hospital.
Now I am counting on “young and strong” for a quick recovery.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Coon Hunting
Bob and I almost bagged a raccoon last night. We were driving home in the dark when two bright eyes, followed by a plump furry body with a ringed tail, scampered inches in front of our vehicle. We were able to skid our vehicle to a stop and the not so cuddly creature reached the other side of the road safely. Then we started sharing coon stories. When I lived in Tigard, I had two HUGE raccoons that lived in the forested area behind me tramp through my yard often. One Saturday morning they stopped on the deck and stared me down. Happily I was inside my home and when they decided I wasn’t scared enough to cave to their demand of some food, well, they moved on. Bob shared his story of the raccoons that walked through our yard last month. They haven’t noticed our pond, or they just fish unsuccessfully at night. We will be serious about a coon hunt if they choose our fish for their midnight snack!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Playing with Shane
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Biggest Adventure of All
Marrying this guy four years ago has been my biggest adventure and he keeps us headed for excitement often. We have walked among grizzlies, been swimming with dolphins and then with sharks, whitewater rafted over a small falls, and traveled to several countries.
It was not random that we came together. It was carefully prayed over by several: those setting us up, both of us, several friends and many family members. God had and still has a plan for the two of us as a team.
Friday, October 26, 2007
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